Stephen Frost Explains 4 Reasons Business Coaching Needs Visualization
Business coaching often focuses hard on daily activities, straying more into mentoring than it really should. For this reason, top coach Stephen Frost believes many having business coaching tend to come up lacking when evaluating value that comes from coaching, thus creating a distorted picture of what is achievable with quality business coaching.
One of the things Stephen uses with a high degree of regularity within his coaching sessions, especially business coaching, is visualization. Something which very few coaches have done, until now when they read why it’s so crucial to success most likely.
Business Coaching Needs Visualization Because #1 It Reorientates The Mindset For Success
Visualization has an interesting effect on your mind. According to Stephen when done effectively, distinguishing between real and imaginary becomes impossible for your unconscious mind. How is this important?
Well, done right, it means that by creating truly compelling visualizations, your mind starts creating belief structures in line with how it would having actually physically done that thing. There have been various studies which back this up, mostly following improved performance by sports people.
Stephen has seen how well these principles apply to other things which people have coaching with though, thus has incorporated visualization within all his coaching, especially business coaching. Core to this is how actually seeing yourself having succeeded at something creates those shifts in belief structure. What was once maybe, becomes most likely, or even definitely. All from seeing that event successfully achieved within the mind. That type of shift is highly dependent on how compelling that visualization is states Stephen, it has to be seriously compelling in order to create change in beliefs.
Create that seriously compelling visualization, make it feel like you’re living it, then your mindset has to restructure in order for your mind to even maintain that vision within. Holding such a visualization once has an effect, though in creating visualizations of success daily leads to big shifts in how your mind works. Hence one reason why Stephen believes visualization is essential in high-end business coaching.
Business Coaching Needs Visualization Because #2 It Builds Confidence In Successful Achievement
Confidence in ability, and ability to achieve successful results is key to good business coaching. When a person lacks faith in their ability, then anxiety and fear can creep in, causing diminished results. Thus, building good levels of justified confidence, is crucial within business coaching for properly unleashing success.
Stephen has seen how use of compelling visualization causes those levels of increase, in a justified way, in confidence for those having business coaching which incorporates this technique. By literally walking his business coaching clients through those moments of success, achieving goals and dreams which were important to them, with their belief structure changing in a way which accommodates that success being achievable. Those business coaching clients come out of their visualization knowing that they can actually achieve what they have set out to. Their mind has changed in a way which is totally supportive of that achievement, thus they have justified confidence in what they’re doing. Which leads them into being committed in a greater way, free from that anxiety and fear which often causes setbacks, or even failure.
Compelling visualization is very powerful in building success winning confidence. Especially when done regularly.
Business Coaching Needs Visualization Because #3 It Expands Mental Creativity For Success
Visualization by its very nature, unlocks greater creativity. Various companies, including Google and Apple, have used meditation within corporate programs for a long time, partly for stress reduction, partly also for how it helps their personnel unlock greater creativity.
During visualizations people begin tapping into greater creative abilities, much as practising any skill or ability brings improvement in it, says Stephen. The more those creative abilities are worked with, the stronger they become. There are a number of benefits to this increase in creativity explains Stephen. While he states that foremost it brings people greater flexibility with what they are doing to achieve their goals, or bring dreams into life, those unthought of solutions which solve challenges which other ideas had been unable to.
Stephen went on to explain that both within business coaching sessions, and also outside of business coaching sessions, visualization work expands consciousness with fresh thinking. That is, its effects continue spreading out. Though in addition, when coaching clients continue on practising their visualization skills, especially when doing so daily, that fresh thinking with greater creativity spirals into something stronger and stronger. Thus anchoring in a really strong ability for entrepreneurs.
Hence being another reason that Stephen believes visualization is crucial to high-quality business coaching.
Business Coaching Needs Visualization Because #4 It Exposes Fresh Unthought Of Routes To Success
Using visualization with business coaching also increases entrepreneurial creativity. Bringing fresh thinking in another way, opening vision to opportunities previously unnoticed. This then spreads into fresh goals and ideas that can transform businesses in very positive ways. Innovation and inventiveness are highly dependent on creative thinking, so when creativity is enhanced, innovative ideas, potential inventions, can come to mind. For entrepreneurs this is a huge thing, which can really catapult them skywards.
Visualization Brings Huge Benefits And That’s Why Good Business Coaching Needs It
Having spent time talking about how visualization benefits business coaching with Stephen, my mind has been well and truly opened. Just thinking about it, my mind is already racing with fresh ideas, and a compulsion to begin doing visualization myself. Though I do have an inkling that what Stephen does during business coaching sessions with his clients takes things to an even higher level than I can reach solo.