Things to know about laser tattoo removal method
Day after day people is getting attracted by the world of tattoos. They want to have the tattoos as it makes them more expressive than they usually are. It helps them to let the world know who they are or who they want to be. So a tattoo helps it, owner, in many ways but sometimes things change rapidly and the situation comes when the same tattoo which was once the matter of proud makes us feel not the same. In such cases, people usually go for taking the next step in the form of tattoo removal. In the next subsequent lines and paragraph, we will be knowing more about that removal and will especially get to know about Laser technology of removing the tattoos.
Why do people go for tattoo removal
Nobody would ever like to let one of their most valuable things disappear from their world easily that is too with their own wish. But it happens. People go for losing tattoos which were once the matter of blue for them.
Many people get the tattoo of their loved one when they were happy to be together. With the passage of time, the whole situation changes now people want to lose the same tattoo, which was once not the same as it reminds them all the things that happened in the past which they don’t remember anymore.
Some people want to lose their tattoo as the same old out of the context of their present situation. With the change of time, many changes come in the personality of a person. So in such case, they did their tattoo not as expressive as it was once, so they want to go for the tattoo removal process
There are many more reasons but as our main topic knows about laser technology so let’s start about that now.
Laser technology
Now let’s know what is the laser technology of removal of the tattoo. This is a technology that works on the principle of absorption and emission of light. The word ‘laser’ stands for Light Amplification by the Stimulated Radiation’.
How does light amplification takes place
In this system, a cylindrical God is kept between two circular discs. When the light from the light source is made fall on the cylindrical tube, it’s atoms absorbs the light energy and get excited and start emitting the energy in the form of laser ray. These rays are first reflected from the first disc and then from the hole in the second disc, it comes out in the form of the very powerful laser beam.
A very popular version of laser technology for removing a tattoo is Q-switched Nd: YAG technology.
Here Q-switched means the pulse of the laser can be switched on and off in nanoseconds. This helps the laser beam strike the target very fastly even when not using the continuous beam as using the continuous beam may harm the skin. The wavelength setting of the laser beam is very important to enabling the laser beam to target only the ink pigment and not the chromophore and skin surrounding the ink. Though the wavelength of the laser beam may be set between the range of 1064 to 532 nm, 1064nm wavelength is preferred over others mostly.
What to do first
After making their mind people start searching the person who can help them for removing the tattoo. In this search, they find their dermatologist and after visiting him they set a schedule for the treatment.
In the first session of the treatment, people have to very much aware of all things that going to happen. After this, the dermatologist numbs the skin with anesthesia for not feeling the pain and then after starting the first season with the bombarding of the laser beam from a laser gun on the tattoed skin.
How does the laser beam helps in the treatment
As we know that during the making of the tattoo, the colour pigment is kept inside the skin with the help of a tattoo making gun.
Now when the laser beam strikes the skin, it enters the skin and hits the colour pigment. The colour pigment absorbs the energy wave of the laser beam and gets shattered. The dark colour pigment absorbs more energy wave than the lighter colour pigment so they get shattered more quickly and more effectively.
After the particles get broken down into pieces, they are absorbed by the body immune system. As it’s the nature of our body to throw out the uninvited foreign particles out of the body, the pigment particles are finally thrown out of the body along with sweat and faeces and urine.
Time taken in the full treatment
Although this a very effective method, the full treatment doesn’t happen very quickly. The first session may finish withing one hour just like this 8–10 sessions are needed as per the requirement of skin, tattoo size and pigments used in making the tattoo.
These sessions are required as all the pigment particles are not broken down in just first session. Now as the absorption and throwing out of the particles from the body doesn’t happen in a day but takes up time up to 3 months approx, usually every two sessions have a gap of almost be months at least.
There are some precautions which we must take for the desired result.
Always have someone with you while going for the session as he or she may help you during the session and then bringing you back at home safely in case if you are not feeling well just after the session
Before going for the first session always get the best dermatologist as he is the person under whose observation and instruction all the treatment has to be done.